Dont forget that if you want any japanese goods I can look for them for you.
Dont forget that if you want any japanese goods I can look for them for you.
Well its been another few interesting days in Japan....
It has been over two weeks since my arrival in Japan, it has gone so fast but at the same time it feels like a lifetime ago that I was in England. This week I have been mainly settling in and getting into the grove of things as they say. Teaching english has been pretty straightforward in terms of syllabus, but challenging in terms of application. Japanese students tend to be on the shy side and it is sometimes quite an effort getting them to talk, particularly if they are lower levels and I get looks of bemusement (wha? wha? me no undastan?)It seems as if it as much about getting them relaxed as teaching them anything. The nightlife out here has been "eventful" and "unpredictable" and generally a lot of fun. Still sampling many delights of japanese cuisine. Theyre obsessed with food over here, even more than the french. Every other program on tv seems to be about food and you get the obligitory taster with the inevitable chorus of oishi! (tasty.) Right I must be off now as im going to a barbecue!
Hi everyone,
Well I had my first day of work on firday and it seemed like it went off without a hitch, although I did only have two classes. I was invited by two fellow employees to go over to theirs afterwards. One of them who is a wee bit eccentric methinks asked me to make a bloodstain on her scrapbook. That was no problem as I had a massive scab from a cycling accident (by the way i now cycle unnbeleivebly) The only problem beibng is that it bled massively and I ended up feeling a bit quesy not to mention staining my shirt. Last night I had my first proper proper experience of a mexican restaurant which certainly dispelled the bad experiences I have previously had. Also went to a funky trip hop club where I met some american military police who are stationed not far away. I also met a fellow english teacher who studied french and german at southampton! Small world small world... My Japanese is making tentative steps forward... but im on a steep learning curve.
Well im a few days into Japan and it has been a crazy induction. I never appreciated what culture shock was untill I came here. I feel like ive drunk about fifty cups of coffee but feel knackered. Theres so much to absorb that it can be a bit overwelming. I feel like a baby just taking everything in and staring aimelessly. I woke up on saturday at three a bit dazed and confused and just walked around and got the feel of the city. The first thing you realise and probably what is the the MOST striking element is the monculutural nature of Japan, thats not to say there is a lot if western influence (the first advert I saw was a picuture of referee Collina advertising profiteroles!!) But there aint many foreigners in Japan (probably 100 to 200 in my city of 661000) and you do stand out. Japanese people dont stare at you because they consider it impolite but you know theyre pearing at you from the corner of their eye and you get the occasional exclamations of gaijin (foreigner.)Having said that they are incredibly friendly, I had a very broken conversation with some ladies on the train and they seemed really interested in what i was doing and where I was from. Similarly on my second night I went to an irish bar downtown and got asked by a couple of Japanese girls to go to the beach with them. They are incredibly genuine and unduplicitous which I am not used to although you do need to be particularly astute in reading into their feelings because they dont like to reveal to much. They tend to have gone ooooh and aaaah quite a lot which could mean I dont have a f ing clue what you are saying! I have already started to nod incessantly which they all do over here as well which is a sign of conformism.
Well i have finally arrived in Japan and boy and im tired!
Just a quick note to say goodbye. Profound apologies to anyone I haven't had the chance to see in the last few days; I have been in a manic frenzy trying to get everything done in very little time. By the way, I won't be bringing my mobile out as Japan is one of the few countries where it won't work. In any case, as I have personally found out, it can be quite an unecessary burden on your finances. I will be getting a mobile in a week or so - I will email it to everyone in due course.