Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Japanese Loo in All its Glory Posted by Hello

Me in the Newspaper Posted by Hello


This week I made another scam, getting a free 75 pound seat to watch Kabuki. Kabuki is a kind theatrical play come hollywood blockbuster. There is so much going on, the effects are so impressive and the costumes are so exquisite that its a veritable feast for the eyes so it didnt really bother me that the story was in Japanese (and old Japanese at that so it was totally incomprehensible) The plot was so complex and dense that i did get a little lost in it all. And it wouldnt be Japanese without being,...well a bit wierd. The play starts off with a princess and her husbandstrolling in the mountains. However her husband is actually not a human but a small dog. She is accidentally shot and rips out her womb to reveal 8 magical gems which fly away...

I now understand where all those very strange manga films come from...

For more more about Kabuki go to

I have a question for any Japanese man who reads this blog: Why are snack bars so popular? Snack bars comprise it would seem almost half of all the possible drinkeries in town. Why on earth though would you want to spend loads of money to talk to a women just to get your ego a little inflated. I reallly dont undestand the whole snack bar culture and dislike the whole sleaziness of a lot of the nightlife out here.

Saturday, November 13, 2004



sorry about the last post there seems to be a date mix up as it was written on the 7th november.

This week i have been extremeley busy withvarious things. On tuesday i went down to the south of the prefecture to an onsen hotel and somehow managed to scam a free eight course meal which included crab, seafood platter, sushi, dumplings, ramen, battered fish, coconut cake, fruit salad and six beers. I felt like Augustus Gloop. My waistline is sufferingthe consequences!

I have also made a music video. Yes , thats right a video of me singing! I was under the impression it would be done somewhere quiet and discreet but ended up singing on a stage in the middle of a large bar. I havent performed for say hmm the last ten years so i was a wee bit nervous and cocked up an inumerable amount of times. Apparently I am going to be the next Rick Astley....