Sunday, March 12, 2006

I am Alive!

Sorry for the lack of blogging, I am alive and well and still residing in Japan. The last few months have been a process of getting back in the swing of things. It no longer feels as if I am on some year of and that i feel more permanently based here.

My plans came somewhat askew at the beginning of this year which was all a bit upsetting but now all is well and I am enjoying the new challenges of freelance teaching. Currently enjoying seeing Dave from uni who is visiting.

At the beginning of this year I was a bit concerned that my intellect and brain was slowly disintegrating. It seemed on re entering Japan that some sort of transcendental labotomy had occured. I have now stopped intoxicating myself from my carbon monoxide emitting heater and have removed the booster 100 megawatts speakers from next to my pillow. things are slowly improving...

I think I saw hard gay man yesterday. For anyone that doesnt know hard gay man us a famous pvc ymca attired gay man who terrorises the local public with his thrusting pelvise and terrible dress sense. He also helps old grannies cross the road!