Saturday, November 13, 2004



sorry about the last post there seems to be a date mix up as it was written on the 7th november.

This week i have been extremeley busy withvarious things. On tuesday i went down to the south of the prefecture to an onsen hotel and somehow managed to scam a free eight course meal which included crab, seafood platter, sushi, dumplings, ramen, battered fish, coconut cake, fruit salad and six beers. I felt like Augustus Gloop. My waistline is sufferingthe consequences!

I have also made a music video. Yes , thats right a video of me singing! I was under the impression it would be done somewhere quiet and discreet but ended up singing on a stage in the middle of a large bar. I havent performed for say hmm the last ten years so i was a wee bit nervous and cocked up an inumerable amount of times. Apparently I am going to be the next Rick Astley....


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