Sunday, October 24, 2004

Wheres the blog?

Thats probably what you are all asking. Sorry for the lack of blogging. The last few weeks have been completely insane. Just when things in Japan were starting to quieten down everything blows up again. There is a certain random surrealness to living here. I never know whats going to happen next. I have been going out to bars and getting a load of free drinks from random strangers who enquire about Beckham and whether I like natto. I am then obliged to do karaoke and sing like a crooner to fevered rounds of applause until iI fall over from drinking too much shochu. This has been the cycle of my life for the last few weeks. Occasionally I bring out photos of my house and family which meets with shock and then pleasant surprise. "Wooooaaah, sugee! (actually i dont know the japanese spelling but it sounds like theyre saying wow its so gay.)

Because i am spending so much time in japanese bars i am finding i am picking up not only their language but their mannerisms: making noises, bowing and nodding, much to my irritation. When i come back home you will all think I am some kind of wierdo!

Other news:

Just been to Shimabara which was very pleasant, the sushi tasted much fresher there. Also for the first time in Japan I had time to be on my own with no one around me
Have also seen myself in the paper, nothing scandalous sadly, just a picture of me and a quick interview. Will try and get a copy to put on.

anyway will blog more frequently to compensate for my lack of recent blogging.


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