Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Last weekend I went of to Nagasaki, a very interesting place. Most people just associate it with the atomic bombings but in fact nagasaki is much more. It probably has the most colourful history of any other city having been the sole point of entry and trade for foreigners in Japan. It seemed to be a lively cosmopolitant place which seems a million light years away from the place it was in the summer of 1945. However I did notice a few people with mild mutations which possibly maybe due to the high radioctivity post bomb. Various cancers even now could be still lying dormant from those who experienced the horrific dawn of the atomic age

The peace museum was excellent but truly truly graphic and quite disturbing. If it doesnt make you pro nuclear disarmament i dont know what will. The peace park was pleasant but I was rather taken aback by the grandiose flabby looking peace statue.

Stayed in a business hotel which made a pleasant change from the "anonymity" of the last place I stayed at. And so cheap too!

Anyway Id just also like to say that melon fanta is the best soft drink ever. Period.


At 6:10 pm, Blogger ambrose said...

hang on, a business hotel was LESS anonymous than another? that seems strange. what was the last place you statyed?

how long did it take to get to Nagasaki?

tell me about trains etc.

At 4:01 am, Blogger Wolffie said...

I took the bus, which was lush. Big reclinable seats and tv at the same price as national express. No comment about the hotel!


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