Sunday, August 08, 2004

Exciting new discoveries

Over the least week i have discovered some exciting new places in Kumamoto....

I had my work welcoming party last thursday which was really nice. We went to the all you can drink for five pounds place, which was naturally a lot of fun! We then went to the community sports centre just round the corner from me which was really cool. Imagine rock climbing, bowling, darts, pool, arcades and countless other sports all under one roof for the flat out rate of 2 pounds an hour! Amazing!

Also went to Karaoke last night which was an interesting experience. It was all you could drink for 3 pounds an hour so I got rather too into my singing and started crooning like a pair of bellows. My new japanese friend however seemed to think I should be a singer and not a teacher here.... hmmmm maybe I could be the japanese tom jones.

Have also discovered an internet place with an amazing massage machine, pool, darts and free soft drinks for 6 pounds for four hours.

off to discover some more places...


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