Saturday, August 28, 2004

No news

Well after my exciting week in Nagasaki its been a quieter week for me in Kumamoto. Spent three hours in my bar on tuesday having a discussion about nipples in broken japanese which was quite interesting. I am now am the bars official language teacher and I am busy at work concocting simple english language drinking games.

Im going to start rating random aspects about japan. Just for the hell of it. My ratings are from a personal perespective only and I would welcome any further comments.

#102 Modern Japanese Toilets
Japan has some of the finest toilets in the world. I have never felt so comfortable sitting on a japanese loo and with all the wonderful gadgets and gizmos its a never ending rollercoaster ride of fun. Japanese toilets are also more hygienic as their little taps on top enable you to avoid the pee peril of touching a urine stained door handle. However their bum sprays can be a little dangerous and I have come very close to soaking my self after accidentally pressing the power up button.

#103 Traditional Japanese Toilets
Similar to its bastard cousin the french latrine I have never been able to use these properly. Apparently its healthier to crouch when performing. Thats great, but im always concerned about falling into my performance as my legs give in. How do people do it???

Answers on a postcard please.


At 9:34 am, Blogger tinyhands said...

I was in Japan 2 years ago. I saw many toilets that had a spigot and basin attached to the tank in such a manner that when the toilet was flushed the fresh water refilling the tank first flowed from the spigot in an arc to the basin which was actually the lid of the tank. You thus wash your hands with the water refilling the tank, economizing water. Did I describe that adequately?

In any case, I'm fascinated by the blogs of westerners teaching in Japan and China (which I visited this summer but, other than squat-holes in the floor, no interesting toilets). Hope you don't mind if I read along...

At 5:47 pm, Blogger ambrose said...

wolf you have neglected to provide an adequate desription of the traditioanl japanese toilet. i can hazard a guess but i still can't picture the scene with any accuracy. and would i want to!?!?!


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