Sunday, October 24, 2004

Wheres the blog?

Thats probably what you are all asking. Sorry for the lack of blogging. The last few weeks have been completely insane. Just when things in Japan were starting to quieten down everything blows up again. There is a certain random surrealness to living here. I never know whats going to happen next. I have been going out to bars and getting a load of free drinks from random strangers who enquire about Beckham and whether I like natto. I am then obliged to do karaoke and sing like a crooner to fevered rounds of applause until iI fall over from drinking too much shochu. This has been the cycle of my life for the last few weeks. Occasionally I bring out photos of my house and family which meets with shock and then pleasant surprise. "Wooooaaah, sugee! (actually i dont know the japanese spelling but it sounds like theyre saying wow its so gay.)

Because i am spending so much time in japanese bars i am finding i am picking up not only their language but their mannerisms: making noises, bowing and nodding, much to my irritation. When i come back home you will all think I am some kind of wierdo!

Other news:

Just been to Shimabara which was very pleasant, the sushi tasted much fresher there. Also for the first time in Japan I had time to be on my own with no one around me
Have also seen myself in the paper, nothing scandalous sadly, just a picture of me and a quick interview. Will try and get a copy to put on.

anyway will blog more frequently to compensate for my lack of recent blogging.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Right, nothing really major to report. It has been a rather quiet week and I am currently suffering from the flu. I can tell you however that i will be in the local paper in the next few days. I bumped into a journalist who wanted to profile me and asked me a few questions about why I like Kumamoto, what do I do etc. So look out for me this week!

Saturday, October 09, 2004


This week has been rather interesting. I enjoyed Miyazaki, a lovely relaxed place, a good place to chill out.

This thursday I had an encounter with a real life Geisha. This was rather lucky as not many Japanese people have seen one in the flesh (there are maybe only as many as one thousand) but two were on display in a Kumamoto department store trying to plug Kyoto as a tourist destinantion. Most of the on lookers were old people as most young people show little interest. It was nonetheless an interesting spectacle. The usual minimalistac dancing was performed (which to be honest I find rather boring.) As the only gaijin and standing out in the crowd I was then afterwards asked to participate in a traditional geisha night drinking game. I reluctantly volunteered ( i had to take my shoes off and had odd socks on) The game consisted of propelling a fan in the air in order to hit a bell and knock it off. Not quite Fuzzy duck or wizz bang bounce but interesting all the same. Afterwards the geisha, who apparently is very popular in Kyoto gave me her card, a valuable thing and I am keeping it safe. Geishas may have a rather contstrictive lifestyle but when you earn about 1500 pounds for a nights entertainment I wouldnt complain!

I forgot to mention that I had a funny dream the other day. On coming back to chesham from Japan I discovered that the town had gone from being 99 percent caucasion to 99 percent black. Where the ww1 memorial statue was was replaced by an enormous statue of Tupac surrounded by a plethora of hip hop clubs. Its an interesting parallel because i often liken a gaijin in japan to being a black person in chesham!

Am now learning sign language also which is fun. Am also planning going to Osaka sometime this month.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Good Week

Its been a good week this week, things are picking up again. I realise that my last post may have been a wee bit overly jaded! Please bear in mind my writing is always as things happen so I can tend to rant and go overboard sometimes as we all do when we are miffed off.

Nothing spectacular has happened although I have a new first to add. I have now drunk vodka with a scorpion in it. In fact I think it was the best vodka I have ever tasted! I also have had an interesting encounter with some deaf Japanese people in a bar. We managed to sustain meaningful conversation through speaking japanese writing broken english and japlish. It was interesting as I think in their own way they seemed more liberated with sign language as they arent put under the normal social restraints.

In Miyazaki now. Enjoying the warm weather.