Oh by the way i am going to start using blogchat again. So if you visit this site and the diamond is green, lcick on it and we can chat!
Oh by the way i am going to start using blogchat again. So if you visit this site and the diamond is green, lcick on it and we can chat!
The last few weeks have been a real rollercoaster of a ride and im now just trying to slow down and put things into perspective and giving myself time to reflect: why am I here? what do I want to get out of Japan? I almost feel I have come full circle and that I have just begun my stay here again. I think this is because with regards to my relationship I thought I was beginning to understand their mindset and then all of a sudden I got egg thrown in my face in a very callous way. A very bizarre incident this week further underlined this for me and i feel as if I understand Japanese people far less then I did at the beginning! All i know is that I dont want to get into another relationship with a Japanese woman because they are just too different for me to relate to them. They are completely unused to honesty in a relationship and are too accustomed to secrets, lies and insincerity, its just too messy for me to deal with.
Today I K.od my bicycle. It would cost 7000 yen to fix so i bought a better second hand one for 5000 yen.
The last few weeks have been rather rocky for me. I have experienced a "proper" second typhoon which seemed to have brought with it a lot of turbelence in my life. I have been chucked out of a bar because of my ethnicity, an interesting situation which made me realise the true impact of what its like to be the victim of racism. I have been floored in a nightclub (I have never even been in a fight before.) which was highly embarrasing and I have split up with my Japanese girlfriend.
Its been a more turbulent this week. quite literally. After getting drunk during a typhoon I have had to spend some time this week on some serious R and R. Have just bought an IPod and have spent the last 6 hours furiously downloading songs whilst listening to the latest offerings of J pop.