Well done rob, you get to touch my dirty bits free of charge. Incidentally my normal rates are £150 half an hour and £225 for an hour.
Well done rob, you get to touch my dirty bits free of charge. Incidentally my normal rates are £150 half an hour and £225 for an hour.
Because I am going to japan shortly, you may also refer to me as: オオカミ
Sorry I'm not updating this very often but I am trying to pretend I actually have a life and am very busy with my various charity, sporting and governmental commitments. When I step out of de nile and realise that my life at the moment is about exciting as watching paint dry (and matt at that too not even glossy) I'll let you all know.
By the way, some people may not be aware that I am going to go and teach in Japan. I am scheduled to go in early July probably 6th or 13th. Actually come to think of it that was the main reason for this blog, as a means of keeping in contact and keeping people up to date. So there you go , you now have a good excuse for an exotic holiday!
wanted: the nicest 1 bedroom flat in the world, w/ dbl bed, in the best possible area, with garden, parking space, every possible transport link, bills included, low council tax, for £50 p/ month. contact: Ambrose on 0800-i-f-u-c-k-i-n-g-w-i-s-h
Does anyone have any good ideas for easter breaks? I want to go away but have a limited budget, lookingat doing something in UK......
I have added a new link which some may find amusing, others may find disturbing as their fond memories of this programme will never be the same, grossly distorted for the rest of their lives. All genuine (sound needed, do not download from work.)
Following the salacious blog of the high class escort belle du jour, I wish also to follow in the same vein as I had an interesting encounter last night and wish to tell everyone about it.
Ambrose I fear you have designs for blog domination of the wolf nation. However, by having shown the way in the fact that you are the only one to have posted a sizeable blog I will give you status of official 'renegade' blogger on Wolffies World. Further behaviour may lead me to promote you to 'renegade master' and renegade master of the ill behaviour.. and so on. I recommend watching Goodbye Lenin a great drama/comedy but also very educational for anyone wanting to learn about Ostalgie and life in the communist bloc. Other recommendation: Moonsoon Wedding, a refreshingly contemporary/un bollywood cliché film about a marriage in India. One to miss: Gerry by Gus Van Sant. Perhaps the slowest most prentious film I have ever seen. Alternative rubbish film: A Nymphoid Barbarian in Dinosaur Hell.
what on earth is this zone? hmmm one thing i note is that none of the links below are clickable. use the link button people! oh, there doesnt seem to be one.
Please continue... There was an old women who lived in Luton