hello again
Apologies for the lack of blogging, its been a while. I have been busy recently and since i am settled in and the novelty of japan and culture shock has waned i havent felt the need to blog. Just enjoyed three great weeks with Tom, much biru was consumed and the random life in Japan that i thought was on the way out suddenly came round to say hello again. Much bar sightseeing was done and hundreds of photos were taken by Tom for which i am very greatful as i have been awful at taking photos of my own to record my experiences here. Spent weekends in Yamaga, Fukuoka and Nagasaki and sampled raw horse meat and raw whale meat of which the latter i say DOnt eat it! Youd be better off knawing on your leg or something. I think I have made a convert out of which i hope is the first of my many kumamotoite clergy.
So for anyone who doesnt know planning to stay out here for a bit longer visa pending. I will definitely try and come back in either July or September depending on whether i get chucked out of the country. I may find out tomorrow!
Have found out another killer phrase to blag free drinks not only can you mention you like natto and imo shouchu but you can also say " i have a big willy"
well actually this probably isnt advisable in all situations! But having said it in playful jest the other night rewards were four beers and two tequilas and a hangover.